Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Little Lemon Cakes.

These little upside down  lemon sponges make a lovely desert.

3 Lemons.
6 hole muffin tin.

110g caster sugar.
125g butter, softened
2 eggs, separated.
125g plain flour.
1tsp baking powder.
2tbsp milk.

150g caster sugar.
juice of 2 of the lemons.

Fan oven 160
Grease the muffin tin.
Put 2 tablespoons of caster sugar on a plate. Cut 6 slices from 1 of the lemons and toss them in the caster sugar. coating both sides. Place a lemon slice in the bottom of each muffin hole.

Grate the zest from 1 of the lemons for the sponge. Squeeze the juice from the 2 lemons and set aside in a small pot.

Cream the butter, sugar and lemon zest.
Add the egg yokes and mix well to combine.
Whisk the egg whites in a separate bowl until you reach the stiff peak stage.
Fold in the flour and gently stir in the milk.
Gently fold in the egg whites.
Divide the mixture between the 6 muffin holes
Bake for 20 minutes, until golden.
leave in the tin to cool for 10 minutes then turn out.

Make the syrup by adding the 150g of caster sugar to the lemon juice in the pot and heating until the sugar dissolves. Bring to the biol, then reduce the heat to a simmer for 4-5 minutes until thick and syrupy.
Spoon half the syrup over the cakes and allow to cool for 5 minutes.
Serve the remaining syrup with the warm cakes and whipped cream.



  1. They sound delicious. I love anything lemony.

    1. Anything with lemon is a big hit in my house

  2. They look and sound so nice. I love lemon. will give these a try :) x

  3. oooh, I must try this - anything with lemon has me rushing to the kitchen! looks divine!!
    BH x

  4. mmh.......the lemon cake looks delicious....thanks for sharing the recipe,i will it try!
    have a nice day,

  5. Well worth giving them a try Regina.
