Tuesday, 9 April 2013

A Bit of Spring Colour

The sky might be gray and the wind freezing but the garden is doing it's best to burst forth.


  1. Dear cookie
    Lovely Spring photos. Your garden is much further on than mine - my grape hyacinths are only just starting to peep out. Hopefully, warmer weather is on the way for us over the weekend (and beyond!)
    Best wishes

  2. I have to agree with Ellie, my garden is way behind yours.I have lots of muscari in pots and the ground but they are nowhere near flowering yet.I cant wait til it warms up and the gardens all catch up.Here's hoping we have a gorgeous summer!

    1. Hi Ellie and Anne. As my garden is northeast facing I get Spring early but my Autumn finishes up a lot earlier then other gardens.

  3. I love Snakeshead Fritillaries, mine are only just emerging from the soil though so I've got a while to wait yet. It looks like you're enjoying spring much earlier than we are.

  4. Hi Jo
    My Snakehead Fritillaries love the damp soil at the top of my garden.

  5. You have a bit more colour in your garden than we have in ours, but we did have a weekend of sunshine so I'm not complaining!

    1. Hi Jay
      We had great stormforce winds here this weekend but the sun came out today, just right for a bit of pottering.
