Saturday, 22 June 2013

Allotment in June

I got to spend a little time on my allotment. We are having rabbit problems this year and  it is very hard to get them to stop eating the plants but what can you expect when you lay out a all a can eat buffet for them. Only one row of carrots have come through. The other two have failed. The chard, garlic and onions are doing great. I have a couple of rows of potatoes doing well. The broad beans are flowering but not looking great.
I have put in some runner beans and some bolotti beans they have just started to show. This is the last time I am going to try bolotti beans. I have failed to get anywhere with them in the last couple of years.
I have a couple of kale, purple sprouting broccoli and sprouts under nets at the back but I don't know if they will survive the rabbits. I put celery in one of the double height raised beds and they seem to be recovering from the bunny attack. I did have 8 gray hound cabbages but now there is only 6.  One of the worst things about having to net everything is it makes it very hard to get at the weeds.

I hope to top last years 10 gooseberries this year.

This sorry mess is the plot beside me. There is a number of plots on the site looking like this, this year.


  1. Dear Cookie
    I think you have done really well - the weather has been so awful so far this year, it is amazing that anything is growing! You should feel proud of your achievements and I hope those pesky rabbits leave you something to enjoy!
    Best wishes

    1. Hi Ellie.

      Hopefully the rabbits will leave something for me. It would be nice to bring dinner home someday.

  2. It must be so hard to get anything to grow when you've got rabbits trying to eat it all. We're so lucky, we've never had any problems with them. Everything looks to be doing well though so I hope you manage a good harvest.

    1. Hi Jo.

      As long as the rabbits leave something for me I am happy to share.
